GWO BTT Installation

GWO BTT Installation


Dette modul inkluderer GWO Installation. Varighed: 3 dage. Bestået GWO BTT Mechanical og BTT Bolt er adgangskrav til dette GWO modul. Kursister, som har gennemført BTT Mechanical før d. 2. maj 2023 har kendskab til hydraulikspænding og behøver derfor ikke at have gennemført BTT Bolt før opstart af BTT Installation.

26/Feb/2025 - 28/Feb/2025
Start dato 26/02/2025
Slut dato 28/02/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
12/Mar/2025 - 14/Mar/2025
Start dato 12/03/2025
Slut dato 14/03/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
26/Mar/2025 - 28/Mar/2025
Start dato 26/03/2025
Slut dato 28/03/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
09/Apr/2025 - 11/Apr/2025
Start dato 09/04/2025
Slut dato 11/04/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
07/May/2025 - 09/May/2025
Start dato 07/05/2025
Slut dato 09/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
21/May/2025 - 23/May/2025
Start dato 21/05/2025
Slut dato 23/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
04/Jun/2025 - 06/Jun/2025
Start dato 04/06/2025
Slut dato 06/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
18/Jun/2025 - 20/Jun/2025
Start dato 18/06/2025
Slut dato 20/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet

GWO BTT Installation - indhold:

Formålet med dette modul er at gøre deltagerne i stand til at arbejde sikkert med grundlæggende installationsopgaver under opsyn i vindmølleindustrien.

Efter at have gennemført BTT Installation kan deltagerne:

Løse grundlæggende installationsopgaver (overvåget af en erfaren tekniker) ved hjælp af sikre arbejdsprocedurer og korrekt PPE.