GWO Working at Height
GWO Working at Height
GWO Working at Height

GWO Working at Height


Dette modul indeholder GWO Working at Height. Deltagerens maksimale kropsvægt må udgøre 128 kg. Dette skyldes faldsikringsudstyret, der har kapacitet på op til 140 kg i alt. Eksempel: kropsvægt: 128 kg + arbejdstøj og sikkerhedssko: 5 kg + PPE (sikkerhedsudstyr): 7 kg = 140 kg i alt. Hvis deltageren ikke overholder denne maksimumvægt, er deltagelse desværre ikke mulig grundet sikkerhed. (Vær opmærksom på, at der kan forekomme andre vægtgrænser i industrien - den gængse grænse er 136 kg i alt.) Varighed 2 dage.

22/Oct/2024 - 23/Oct/2024
Start dato 22/10/2024
Slut dato 23/10/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
29/Oct/2024 - 30/Oct/2024
Start dato 29/10/2024
Slut dato 30/10/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
05/Nov/2024 - 06/Nov/2024
Start dato 05/11/2024
Slut dato 06/11/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
12/Nov/2024 - 13/Nov/2024
Start dato 12/11/2024
Slut dato 13/11/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
19/Nov/2024 - 20/Nov/2024
Start dato 19/11/2024
Slut dato 20/11/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
26/Nov/2024 - 27/Nov/2024
Start dato 26/11/2024
Slut dato 27/11/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
03/Dec/2024 - 04/Dec/2024
Start dato 03/12/2024
Slut dato 04/12/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
10/Dec/2024 - 11/Dec/2024
Start dato 10/12/2024
Slut dato 11/12/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
17/Dec/2024 - 18/Dec/2024
Start dato 17/12/2024
Slut dato 18/12/2024


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet

Formålet med dette modul er at give deltageren forståelse for brug af grundlæggende PPE (Personal Protective Equipment/personlige værnemidler), og hvordan man arbejder sikkert i højden, samt foretager almindelige redninger i højden svarende til vindmøllemiljøet.